Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome to Operative Musings - home of Tasty Pastry Gluten-Free Bakery's information on GMO's and Food Allergies

Yummy Tasty Pastry cookies!!
Welcome to all who have come to visit!  This blog is a work in progress at all times....but then, I guess, what blog isn't?  This blog originated when my business partner and I realized that we needed a second blog as a thread to our gluten-free bakery blog:  Tasty Pastry Gluten-Free Bakery  (which, at the present time is under construction because we are just getting started!)  On our Tasty Pastry blog we reference GMO's and food allergies (of course!) due to the fact that we bake for those with food allergies, and do it all with non-GMO ingredients.  We are very proud of the goodies we produce and are additionally proud that we support non-GMO crops.  However, we know that there are lots of people out there who have never even heard of GMO's just as we, too, were once unaware.  So, though we cannot offer an exhaustive look at food allergies and GMO's, we would like to think we could provide enough information and links to allow people to make their own decisions about the presence of GMO's in their food.

So, take a ride around here.  You will find a variety of links, some of them articles and some of them politically active websites.  We offer book titles we find stimulating and informative.  You will also find our suggestions regarding steps to take if you believe you or someone you love might be allergic to a food.  It is my belief that in the not too distant future, research will reveal that GMO's are a major source of what is behind the drastic, recent rise in food allergies.  Only time will tell.

Over the years, this blog will grow.  With your help, it will grow even faster.  Ask us questions.  We are genuinely interested in your curiousity so let us know what information you may need and perhaps we can find it. 

Take care, and happy eating, dine on healthy food, and think good thoughts!

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